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Category: Tech Guides

How to record video of automation output in Selenium

How to record video of automation output in Selenium

Automation, particularly UI automation is a way to reduce the manual work done in any project. It also helps to reduce the time taken in completing the repetitive work. By showing the results of the automation, we can explain the functionality of the project to the client and stakeholders. However imagine a situation when the client is not available currently to see the demo or the developer is busy and cannot present the demo. Is there a way to somehow…

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Automation using Python and Selenium WebDriver

Automation using Python and Selenium WebDriver

In this session we will discuss how to perform UI Automation using Python and Selenium. Automation now days are a key for any successful project implementation and Selenium stands first in the queue. Also when we speak about coding, python is one language which is getting widely used today. We all know that both these tools are open source available for free. So let’s see how we can automate using Python code in Selenium from scratch assuming we don’t have…

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Java vs Python : Compiled or Interpreted

Java vs Python : Compiled or Interpreted

Let’s talk today about the most interesting difference between Java and Python. Java vs Python: We have heard that Java is compiled language and Python is interpreted language. Although this is true to some sense but this does not means that Java does not have interpretation step or Python does not have compilation step. Both these languages do compile at a certain step and interprets also. So, what’s the difference? The only difference is that Java has a separate step…

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Diff command in UNIX

Diff command in UNIX

In this session, we will be looking at the use of diff command in UNIX. While on a higher level, we know that diff command in UNIX is used to compare two files but very few would have tried to understand the actual meaning of the output of diff command. Also, note that diff command compares the file row-by-row. First row of first file with first row of second file and so on. Actually when you run diff command, diff…

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UNIX Grep command examples

UNIX Grep command examples

Hi Friends, today we will see some use of UNIX GREP command examples which is very useful and powerful command. As we all know that grep command is used mainly for pattern search in files. But this is just the basic explanation of grep command. Today we will see how grep is enriched with a lot of options to do pattern search in many other ways. Let’s consider below example file on which we will be performing our operations. The…

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UNIX Awk command examples – Part 1

UNIX Awk command examples – Part 1

In this tutorial, we will discuss about UNIX awk command. Awk is a very powerful command in UNIX which is very useful while doing complex scripting and file processing. This command can be used for processing a file on a row level or on a column level or both. This command can also be used to extract particular columns or rows of any file. Awk command can match a pattern in file, can output the rows containing those records and…

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Python 3.11.1 Features