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Tag: US-China Trade War

Why is it necessary for IT employees to learn new skills sets

Why is it necessary for IT employees to learn new skills sets

IT employers are continuously asking their employees to acquire new skill sets As a result, employees are at the receiving end of the stick when it comes to re-skilling themselves along with their day-to-day work IT job, once considered a niche of the private industry, is going through a hard time currently. Its not that the shine had gone away from it, but it seems like this industry needs a round of gold coating to bring back the aura it…

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Economic slowdown hits IT sector, they are finding it difficult to win large deals

Economic slowdown hits IT sector, they are finding it difficult to win large deals

Economic uncertainity coupled by a pressure to reduce costs is impacting IT sector Clients are skeptic about giving big projects to the IT vendors amid slowdown concerns Global economic slowdown and uncertainty about the growth prospects in coming quarters has resulted in declining business for IT companies. Most of the major IT companies are of the view that because of these concerns, clients are not willing to award big deals and hence the decision on such projects and deals are…

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Python 3.11.1 Features