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Tag: Netflix

Netflix hits $1 billion revenue in Asia Pacific region

Netflix hits $1 billion revenue in Asia Pacific region

American online media streaming platform Netflix crossed $1billion revenue from Asia Pacific region in first 9 months of 2019. As per Netflix this is the result for high number of subscribers in the Asia Pacific region. The company witnessed an overall growth of 57% in the revenues compared to last year revenue. During the first nine months of last year, the revenue was $669 million. Not just the revenues, but it has also seen a huge growth in the number…

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Netflix and Amazon prime faces censorship from government

Netflix and Amazon prime faces censorship from government

Online streaming players Netflix and Amazon prime faces censorship by the government. The government`s step have been rooted in various court cases and complaints filed with police in recent months. The current laws does not allow censorship of content on popular online streaming platforms. Netflix and Amazon prime faces censorship These concerns have already prompted Netflix and Hotstar to sign a self-regulation code in January this year. However Amazon Prime did not sign up saying that current laws are adequate….

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