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Tag: learn python

break and continue statement in Python

break and continue statement in Python

In this session, we will see the use and functionality of break and continue statement in Python. ‘break’ and ‘continue’ are the statement that are used to change the course of ‘for’ and ‘while’ loops. In other words, you can control the execution of these loops using break and continue. They are the Python reserved keywords and you cannot use them for naming user defined variables or functions. break – There might be some situation where you want to exit…

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Python Tutorial 4 – Python Literals

Python Tutorial 4 – Python Literals

Hi Friends, I hope you would have liked the previous tutorial about writing basic Python programs. Let`s now begin this tutorial on Python Literals. Literals are something whose value is determined by the literal itself. They represent some fixed value. For ex: 25 – it’s a literal because 25 defines itself as an integer 10.5 – it’s a literal because it defines itself as a decimal/float number “I love Python” – it’s a literal because it defines itself as…

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Python Tutorial 2 – Basic Programming Concepts

Python Tutorial 2 – Basic Programming Concepts

Hi Friends, Today we we will be discussing about some basic Python programming concepts. We have seen details about what Python language is. We have also seen how Java and Python differ from each other in below Python Tutorial. Refer these tutorials: Now it’s time to put our hands-on actual Python programs. However, before we actually dive into programs, let’s just brush up some of the basic concept generic to any programing language. Basically, they are computer fundamentals. What is…

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Python 3.11.1 Features